Stand in solidarity with ONE women to fight poverty, sign this petition

Stand in solidarity with these women


I’ve just signed an open letter to world leaders demanding action for women everywhere – will you add your name too?

We won’t end extreme poverty until we break down the barriers holding girls and women back. That’s why I’m standing in solidarity with women on the front lines of the fight for gender equality.

Without meaningful and urgent action, we won’t achieve gender equality for another 108 years! There are still too many girls married off as children or not allowed to go to school; too many women dying of AIDS or not allowed to bank the money they earn or own the land they farm.

Sign the open letter and join the fight. Together we’ll make sure that women’s voices can’t be ignored:

Sign now: we demand more action in the fight against AIDS

Today, about 1,000 young women will be infected with HIV. Tomorrow, it will be another 1,000. One week from now, nearly 7,000 young women will have contracted HIV.

The grim news: AIDS isn’t a disease of the past, it’s a crisis now. The great news: we have the means to end it.

The Global Fund to fight AIDS, TB, and malaria has helped slash deaths from these diseases by a third. This innovative partnership backs brave frontline nurses and doctors and the latest technologies to help people fight back against these killer diseases.

Millions of women and girls are still at risk, but if enough of us take action, 2019 could be a turning point in the fight. This year, government and business leaders will gather in France to decide whether or not to expand the reach of the Global Fund. With full funding, we could help save 16 million more lives and stem the spread of disease. That’s the kind of bold ambition the world needs.

Tell world leaders to step things up so progress doesn’t slip back. Join the call to fully finance the Global Fund.

Dear government and business leaders,

We’re urging you to show ambition in ending AIDS, tuberculosis, and malaria. This is a fight we can win – but only if we all do our part. I’m in, are you? Please fully finance the Global Fund to help save another 16 million lives and bring us closer to eliminating these diseases for good.

Published by WonderLady

Journalist, Educationist, Writer, Human Rights Advocate

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