..as beneficiary affirms enhanced mobility and productivity

In a heartwarming display of compassion and community spirit, the Majority Leader of the Ondo State House of Assembly, Hon. Oluwole Emmanuel Ogunmolasuyi, recently donated a wheelchair to Miss Kehinde, a physically challenged constituent.

This generous act, which has deeply resonated within the community, underscores Hon. Ogunmolasuyi’s dedication to enhancing the lives of his constituents, particularly those in need within the Ose/Owo federal constituency.

The personal connection between Hon. Ogunmolasuyi, who also serves as the chairman of the Southwest Majority Leaders Forum, and Miss Kehinde adds a layer of significance to this gesture, highlighting his genuine care and concern for his constituents.

Miss Kehinde, who has faced numerous challenges due to her disability, expressed profound gratitude to Hon. Ogunmolasuyi for his thoughtful and impactful gesture.

She conveyed her appreciation, noting that the wheelchair would greatly improve her mobility and overall quality of life.

This donation will enable her to move more freely and engage more actively in daily activities, underscoring the positive impact of the Majority Leader’s action.

Hon. Ogunmolasuyi dedicated this act of kindness to the memory of the late Honourable Chief Emmanuel Samuel Awodeyi (Owo Konibaje), with Barrister Folabi Olalere Awodeyi serving as a point of contact for the Awodeyi family.

Chief Awodeyi’s legacy of service and his impact on Owo LGA during his lifetime remain unforgettable. May his soul rest in perfect peace until the Day of Resurrection.

The wheelchair presentation took place during a modest ceremony where Hon. Ogunmolasuyi emphasized the importance of community support and solidarity. He highlighted that public service extends beyond legislative duties to address the immediate needs of the people.

“Our responsibility as leaders is to ensure that we provide support to every member of our community, especially those who are vulnerable and in need,” remarked Hon. Ogunmolasuyi.

“This donation is not just a gesture of goodwill but a testament to our ongoing commitment to uplifting the lives of our constituents.”

The event has resonated deeply within the community, garnering widespread commendation and reinforcing the spirit of unity and care.

Many community members have lauded the Majority Leader for his exemplary leadership and empathy, noting that such acts of kindness set a positive example for others.

Hon. Ogunmolasuyi’s donation of the wheelchair to Miss Kehinde is a powerful reminder of the impact of thoughtful and compassionate leadership on individual lives and the broader community.

As Miss Kehinde begins a new chapter with enhanced mobility and independence, the Owo community celebrates this act of generosity and the enduring legacy of the Awodeyi family.

Hon. Ogunmolasuyi further pledges his commitment to reaching out to those in need for as long as he holds a leadership position.

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