..encourages congregants to be strong

Rev. Chris Oyakhilome delivered a powerful message in response to the recent fire incident at the LoveWorld Christian Assembly (LCA). In his address, he encouraged the congregation to maintain their faith and see beyond the immediate loss.

“When something like this happens, don’t be moved one bit. Move beyond it,” he stated, urging his followers to not dwell on the cause of the fire but to focus on their spiritual strength. “We are not like this world. We don’t reason like this world. Was I surprised? No. Not even the slightest surprise.”

Rev. Oyakhilome emphasized the importance of remembering God’s constant protection, saying, “Every single day, God protects us. He protects everything that He gives us with His glory and His grace. Every day His angels are with us.” He reassured the congregation that even in times of adversity, God’s presence remains unwavering.

He further explained that incidents like these are not a reflection of divine displeasure but rather opportunities for greater glory. “We cannot think for a moment that God somehow is blaming us because that would mean ‘so what was He doing?’ Was He there? Were His angels there? Of course,” he affirmed.

Rev. Oyakhilome encouraged the congregation to remain grateful and maintain a positive perspective, regardless of the circumstances. “When something bad like this happens, you praise and thank Him as you would have done if it didn’t happen. Thank Him all the same. Why? Because you understand how He thinks.”

He assured the church community that they will rebuild and come back stronger. “We built that with everything we knew up until that time. We will build a bigger and better one. God just gives us an opportunity to do something about it. We will clear up the place and build a better one. Let the devil lick his wounds.”

In closing, Rev. Oyakhilome called for action and support from the community. “So, what are you going to do? Act! Give into it! Make sure to give a donation to LCA… your cell, family, company… Do it.”

Rev. Chris Oyakhilome’s message was one of resilience, faith, and proactive rebuilding, urging the community to see beyond the immediate loss and focus on the spiritual and

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